Renovation vs. Remodeling: Is Custom Home Remodeling Worth It?
It’s a tale as old as time: a homeowner knows their house needs a serious change, but they’re not sure whether to choose a renovation a remodeling. Well here at Magnuson Build & Design, we understand how difficult it can be to make such big decisions about your own home. That’s why we’re taking this month’s blog post to discuss renovations, custom home remodeling, and what you can expect for both.
Renovation vs. Remodeling
Before we can discuss the benefits of custom home remodeling, we want to explore the differences between renovation and remodeling. Or, more specifically, should you get renovation or remodeling done for your home?
When to Get Renovations
In a nutshell, the goal of any renovation is to return a structure to like-new or better condition. Here’s a fun fact: renovate comes from the Latin word “renovare,” meaning to make new again.
Homeowners generally choose to get renovations done when they have a deep connection to the way their home is designed or want to return it to a condition they may have known years ago. Often times, homeowners getting renovations may have a nostalgia for the way a home used to be.
Other times, though, renovations are simply the most straightforward way to elevate a home’s quality. Where custom home remodeling calls for new designs or new additions, renovations just attempt to restore the existing architecture of a home. As a result, renovations are fairly simple in comparison to remodeling.
When to Get Custom Home Remodeling
Whether you have big ideas for your home or just have a simple change you want to make, custom home remodeling is the way to get them done. Custom home remodeling can transform your space into something new, rather than returning it to something old.
The Benefits of Custom Home Remodeling
Custom home remodeling presents a variety of benefits for any homeowner. Below, we’re briefly discussing just a few of them.
Your Home, the Way You Want It. The greatest benefit of custom home remodeling is re-shaping your home into what you truly want. Whether you want to add space, transform your existing space, or just make something that feels like you, a custom remodel is the way to go.
Increased Home Value. It’s also worth mentioning that custom remodels should almost always add financial value to your home. If and when you sell it, you should make additional money due to the remodel.
Accessibility. Many folks choose to remodel their home because of the benefits to accessibility. If you have mobility issues, then a custom remodel may be just what you need.
Custom Home Remodeling in Kalamazoo
Are you searching for custom remodeling options for your home in Kalamazoo? If so, then our team at Magnuson Build & Design is happy to help. For more information, click here to contact us today!